Saturday, April 9, 2016

Fried Wontons and Polynesian Dipping Sauce

Fried Wontons
Yield: 2 servings

8 Wonton wrappers
8 tsp cream cheese
Oil for frying

  1. Place 1 tsp of cream cheese onto the middle of each wonton wrapper. Fold in one corner onto the cream cheese, then fold the opposite corner over and stick them together using a dab of water. Fold in the remaining corners, creating a square, and seal using water.
  2. Heat 2-3 tablespoons of oil in a skillet over medium heat.
  3. Place the wontons into the hot skillet and cook for approximately 5 minutes on each side, or until desired crispiness is achieved.
  4. Remove from skillet and place on a paper towel lined plate to soak up any excess oil.
  5. Allow to cool 5 minutes as cream cheese will be hot.

Polynesian Dipping Sauce
Recipe adapted from
Yield: 2 servings

1/2 cup California French Dressing
1 1/2 tsp apple cider vinegar
3 tblsp honey

  1. Whisk together ingredients and place in an airtight container and refrigerate.

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